Visit in Nakuru in October 2018

On October 26, a large group of LLK sponsors made their way to Nakuru for 10 days (picture: arrival at Nairobi airport).
In their large luggage, they bring many supplies and gifts for the children and their families.

Next to the visit of their sponsored children and their relatives, they plan to expand the playground, to undertake various activities with the children and much more.
A detailed report on the trip is yet to follow.

Progress in constructions (June 2018)

Classroom no. 8 is complete. Cupboards and shelves are in progress. Desks are also in the process of making. Timber has slowed the pace of furniture. Offices are complete. Courtyard will be done by the end of this week.
The cowshed is almost complete, wall is also progressing on well. The northern side is finished. By the end of this week, the eastern side will be complete. We will be remaining with two sides.

click image to view full size

Day Care Class

Elation at our school! As of March our kindergarten has got a new classroom and a new class – the Day Care Class. Our newest and youngest children, aged three to four years old, are lovingly cared for by our teacher, Pauline.

The 16 girls and 14 boys have days filled with fun and learning. They are playfully introduced to the languages Suahili and English, letters and numbers. Singing and outdoor activities are on the program, as well as time for play and naps.

The children have already received their school uniforms and their traditional attire, which are worn every Friday for Kenya Culture Day. And of course, just like all of the other LLK School children, everyone gets a nutritious porridge for breakfast during the morning break and a hot lunch at noon.

Easter holiday in Kenya

Good Friday and Easter Monday  are official holidays in Kenya. Faithful Christians worship at church services  on Friday evening and on Easter Monday or watch one of the numerous services on television.  Easter bunnies or  Easter egg hunts are not traditional in Kenya. Many Kenyans use the Easter holidays to visit their families, who are often scattered all over the country.

We wish all of our members, sponsors, donors and friends a happy Easter!

Honor Badges From GlobalGiving

We can now proudly post the honor badges that were awarded to Live and Learn in Kenya Int’l on January 24th for our work in 2017. Instead of the mandatory 36 points necessary to achieve the highest status, we have achieved 320. We are proud of the achievement, but especially of the many hundreds of dollars donated to our projects over the year.

The Live and Learn in Kenya Education Center was visited by a GlobalGiving in-field traveler, Michael, from the US on April 3, 2017.  (for more information click >here<