Together with the children’s parents as a community, we have been building a school center on the outskirts of the Ronda / Barut slums in Nakuru since 2014.

We started with the construction of the elementary school as our top priority. Thanks to generous friends of the organization and the many, many donors, a total of eight classrooms could be completed and occupied in 2018. But there is still a long way to go before we are finished with our various constructions. We still need plenty of support. More pictures here. Click her for the MASTERPLAN.

In January 2017 our school kitchen, which until then had been housed in a wooden hut with a corrugated sheet roof, was completely destroyed by a violent storm. We decided that it was necessary to build a solidly-built school kitchen immediately – and the dining hall at a later time. Thanks to the overwhelming generosity of our donors, we were able to build a beautiful, solid school kitchen by autumn 2017, which was ceremoniously dedicated during the 2017 annual visit by our chairwoman and many members of the organization.

The construction of the Dining Hall began in July 2018. Generous donations made it possible to finish the construction in March 2019. The official opening ceremony was held in November 2019.

Thanks to very generous donations, the groundbreaking ceremony for the construction of the urgently needed kindergarten took place in the first week of November 2019. Construction began less than two weeks later. Everything went according to plan, and our three kindergarten classes  moved into the new building at the end of February 2020.

Another generous donation made it possible to begin the construction of the administration building almost simultaneously with the construction of the kindergarten in November 2019. The work was completed in June 2020 and now a good-sized library, LLK offices, a social worker’s office and a clinic for medical/dental treatment and biannual checkups are found in this building.

Link to VIDEO “Construction, as of 27.12.2019”

Overview of the LLK site on the edge of Lake Nakuru (click to enlarge the image)

In November 2020 the construction of our career center has started. The first classroom was finished after a period of a half year. It is now home of our sewing machines where the adolescents can have a qualification as sewer. After the availability of further donations we startet with construction of the computer classroom in February 2022. Thanks to further generous donations, this room (fully equipped with PCs) can be used for its purpose since March 2023.