After eight years of successfully completing their elementary school education on the Live and Learn in Kenya program, the children usually begin vocational training if they are not eligible for high school.
Depending on their interest and suitability, they opt for different possibilities – skilled trades such as tailor, carpenter, electrician, mechanic, hairdresser.
Training usually takes two years.
We are currently working with various training centers to provide our graduates with good vocational training.
The sponsorship contributions pay for the training fees and provide the young people with the necessary basic equipment / clothing free of charge.
At regular intervals, our social workers visit the vocational students to monitor their progress and maintain contact with them.
In order to offer our graduates the opportunity to complete professional training on site, we began construction of our own “Career Center” in November 2020.The first classroom, a tailor’s training workshop, has been completed so that four of our graduates were able to start training as tailors in the summer of 2021. A computer room was planned as a second classroom, which has been completed and fully equipped in March 2023. Here, our children and young people will learn how to use computers safely, as required by the Kenyan Ministry of Education.

Career Center with the computer workshop
Salomé is a perfect example of successful training and self-sufficiency.
Salomé Omukasia: After completing her elementary school education with Live and Learn in Kenya, she went on to complete her vocational training as a seamstress. Supported by a micro-credit, she bought her own sewing machine and has since made a living herself.
This is the primary objective of our project: to train children so that they can earn their own living and free themselves from poverty and become upstanding citizens of their society!
Salomé continues to be extremely grateful to our project: if time allows, she can be seen sewing uniforms for our school children free of charge, the proceeds of which benefit our project.