Your active support is always welcome!
Helping hands are just as welcome as good ideas on how we can generate more donations.
We can be found at nearly all markets and fairs in the City of Selb – Germany. We always need helpers who actively support us with transporting goods, setting up the LLK booths, or selling raffle tickets at the Porzelain Festival and at the Christmas Market. Every hand is a huge help. Our booths at the town fairs and markets not only raise funds for LLK – they also give us a chance to promote our organization and let the world know what we’re doing and why.
In the past we were able to organize one or the other charity concert. We still have the possibility to use the Rosenthal Theater once a year for a charity event. We need dedicated people who have connections to outstanding performers with a charitable heart – May be you know someone – or you are an outstanding performer yourself!
During our visits to our school project in Nakuru we have made a variety of very beautiful and touchingly moving photos that give an impression of the project, life in poverty, but also the beauty of Kenya.
We have put an amazing photo/art exhibition together of the most outstanding photos from the journey to Kenya in 2015 by the professional photographer, Denis Karabach.
If you have the possibility to exhibit them on your premises (school, business, practice, etc) we would be very it would be a huge help.
But it needn’t be a photo exhibit. We also look forward to receiving requests for presentations of our project to you and your firm or school. You can see, first-hand, what we have already achieved and what we still want to achieve in the future. Listen to the video messages of our children and be inspired by our lectures and by our work on site in the poverty-stricken areas of Nakuru, Kenya.
Perhaps you have other idea of how to support Live and Learn in Kenya’s work – let us know. We are always open for new ideas!
Contact us!