Nicholas Silingi and Mary Otieno are taking care of the social issues at LLK Intl
Our social workers are the contact people for all questions and problems concerning the social needs of our children and their parents.
If a child needs help or encouragement, they are on hand. Not infrequently, however, they are also available to guide and support the children’s parents.
One of their tasks is to visit the vocational training schools to monitor the youths’ training progress. They have workshops with the young people to talk their problems and needs. They also run the youth clubs at the LLK Education Center.
Every year they have the very difficult task of selecting 30 new children from the long waiting list, in which the parents have registered their children for the LLK program. This is their most difficult task because they know that they have it in their hands to change the lives of children.
Furthermore, they are responsible for the supervision of the micro-credit projects. They act as contact people for the people needing the loans and make sure that they comply with the provisions that apply to the use of a loan. They also help these – mainly untrained parents – to chose a business that they can successfully run.
Another one of Nicholas’s tasks is to watch over the children’s letter writing to their sponsors. He helps them with translations from Suahili into English and, for the very small children , writes down what they want to say so that they can copy it for their sponsors.
Mary Otieno is also the director of our tailoring workshop.
She takes care of shopping for fabric and other needs and assists the young girls when they have problems.