Teaching staff at our school (June 2024)
front row from left: Ruth Teres (class teacher grade 4, Science and Technology grade 4, Mathematics grade 5, Kiswahili grade 5, Social studies grade5, C.R.E grade 6, Agriculture and Nutrition grade 4), Ann Nyongesa (PP1), Martha Wangui (grade 2), Alice Shikuku (PP2), Harriet Nerima (class teacher grade 6, Mathematics grade 6, Creative arts and sports grade 4, Agriculture and Nutrition grade 5, Science and Technology grade 5, Kiswahili grade 4)
back row from left: Alfred Wanalo (English grades 5, 6, Creative Arts and Sports grade 6, C.R.E grade 5), Charles Ngetich (class teacher grade 5, Mathematics grade 4, Creative Arts and Sports grade 5, Kiswahili grade 6, Social studies grade 6) Edigah Onyango (grade 3), May Lagat (grade 1), Meagan Atieno (junior school: Mathematics grade7, Integrated science grade 7, Religious Education grades 7, 8), Dan Keya (junior school class teacher grade 8, Mathematics grade 8, Integrated science grade 8, Social studies grades 7, 8), Nancy Cheboi (junior school: English grades 4, 8, Pre-technical studies grades 7, 8, Religious Education grade 4), Givans Ochango (junior school, class teacher grade 7, English grade 7, Creative Arts and Sports grade 7, 8, Agriculture and Nutrition grade 8), Samuel Mutahi (Agriculture and Nutrition grades 6, 7, Science and Technology grade 6, Kiswahili grade 7, 8), Albina Karen (play group)

Our teachers are not only excellent, state-approved professionals, but also idealists who care deeply about the well-being of disadvantaged children. Some of them themselves come from the slums and had been supported as children. Two of our outstanding teachers were supported and trained through Live and Learn in Kenya from elementary school through college. They know best why good education is so important.
Our teachers receive the salary stipulated by the state for their duties. These salaries are paid out of the sponsorship contributions.

Our school construction is still growing and the number of our teachers is growing accordingly.